Today I want to take you through an entire day of cooking from the perspective of a broke college student and it's going to be really easy for me to take that role because I am a broke college student when people think of student meals or cheaper meals they think of these bland greasy low effort dishes that are probably not that good for you and while there's nothing wrong with grabbing the occasional frozen pizza or like an instant mac and cheese I want to show you how you can step it up without much effort or extra cost does that sound good i'm gonna make sure all these dishes take less than 30 minutes to make with low difficulty because i know just how lazy you are😁 they all cost me less than two dollars to make and they all add up to 6 25 for the whole day also I will make sure they're nutritious I know your parents are making food choices for you anymore but don't worry parents I'll step in relax the title of this video says healthy student cooking but i want to make sure you understand that healthy is an umbrella term that varies from person to person when i say healthy i mean these dishes are generally rich in quality nutrients and they may be better choices for your body than some other god forsaken college student meals with that out the way let's start our day oh that rhymed damn if you're like me morning is the peak i hate my lifetime and to get over that we need to maximize taste and nutrition without much effort for me that means no pans no heat no cooking i only want to deal with something i can assemble quickly that's gonna kick start my day just right oats are our ultimately here they're super cheap they're a great source of carbs and fiber so they'll keep you full for a long time you can do a lot with them people soak them overnight but i feel like that's a bit unnecessary this is my go-to way of preparing them this apple is our main source of sweetness so we'll start by using half of it to grate it scrape that grater so we don't waste any of that apple goodness to that we're gonna add some sort of yogurt i prefer soaking my oats in yogurt it adds creaminess and tanginess and a lot of health benefits also cinnamon of course i love cinnamon mix that together and add your oats about 40 grams seems to do it for me mix them together with the yogurt and let it soak for about 5 minutes up to 10 minutes it should turn soft but not overly soft you know what i mean in the meantime we can chop the other half of that apple and i know i said no pans but this is not mandatory you can toast your apples with some oats and some chopped walnuts i like doing this because it adds a bit of crunch to an otherwise pretty mushy dish i'm also adding some cinnamon to add the taste of cinnamon and we're essentially ready i like to spread my soaked oats in a wide bowl to increase the surface area of my topping also maybe another dollop of fresh yogurt and a drizzle of honey this breakfast comes out to 125 per portion so you don't have to worry about breaking the bank with this most days you won't be in the mood to put a lot of effort into your breakfast i know so something like this is the ideal solution in my opinion now that your brain was hard at work it's time to refuel it with a quick and satisfying lunch i don't like a heavy lunch because it completely derails my day and it makes me want to take a nap forever so i'll usually have something that's more balanced and you guys know that i love my wraps so let's make a lunch wrap we're gonna use chicken thigh for this they're a bit cheaper than breast and also way more flavorful because of the higher fat content let's cut the thighs into strips and because we're lazy we don't want to clean a lot of dishes let's season them on the cutting board directly you can really choose anything here this is just what i had quick access to don't forget to wash your hands by the way now in a really hot pan we're gonna cook this chicken until it's cooked chicken thigh is pretty hard to screw up but still make sure you're not overcooking it oh also you want to try to get these brown spots on the chicken that's where all the flavor lies now let's make a quick sauce here i'm feeling a honey chili sauce to go with this wrap i'll start with you guessed it some yogurt add some salt some chili powder garlic powder some chili flakes and also add your favorite hot sauce right now i'm loving this chipotle cholula also a drizzle of honey to balance out that heat mix everything up oh and i almost forgot squeeze in some lime juice preferably a lime that's juicier than mine preferably a lime that's juicier than mine and you should end up with a sauce like this i like freshness in my lunch wrap and for that i got my good old tomatoes and some iceberg lettuce for that crispy watery crunch salt your tomatoes before they go on the wrap and just set aside now you want to slightly heat up your tortilla you'll notice that it's much more pliable and easier to wrap it only takes a few seconds and now let's assemble start with the generous sauce spread add your chicken your tomatoes your lettuce and also some fresh cilantro it takes this from good to great now we gotta wrap this so fold in the sides and using your thumbs you want to wrap the tortilla over your fillings fold in those lateral flaps and complete your role if you need a more in-depth explanation watch my rap video now let's cut through this and see what we've made look at that perfectly balanced nutritious and it's also cheap this cost me 165 per wrap i think of wraps as little containers of goodness that you can just take with you everywhere they're perfect for a quick cheap lunch and maybe you can even make them the day before that's even easier that's if you don't mind the sogginess i personally don't but i don't know about you almost every day i'll have a craving for an afternoon snack maybe i'm just finishing up my work day and i feel like i need a little happiness in my life and snacks make me happy it's basically bean salad on a cracker and i know it doesn't sound exciting but for me this hits the spot first i'm gonna take a spinning cucumber and violently cut it into cubes and then i'm gonna do the same for a spinning tomato and also a non-spinning hot pepper these are my veggies of choice for my bean salad as far as the beans go the more variety the better this brand makes this bean variety can you got kidney beans chickpeas white beans lots of beans so i'm just using like a quarter of that now i'm gonna add all my veggies from before plus a ton of cilantro some salt a big squeeze of lime and the cherry on top is a few capers for that extra kick now mix all that up and you can eat it like this but i like putting it on these whole wheat thin wafers cracker things i have no idea what they're called i also like adding some yogurt of course as a base for the bean salad and that's my snack two of these things cost 155 maybe a bit expensive but i personally love it and this thing is very light but definitely doesn't feel like an empty snack it still feels very satisfying plus it has beans so it's guaranteed to make me happy for dinner i think we should all be treating ourselves a bit you know you've been through a lot today and you deserve a little self-love and these days i've been absolutely loving noodles in general and not like italian pasta noodles more like asian style noodles and what i'm gonna do is take your classic ramen noodle that you would find in an instant ramen package and just take them to the next level with these chili garlic noodles with a tofu twist we only need about half a block and we're gonna pat it dry with a paper towel with a fork we're gonna start crumbling this tofu so it's almost gonna be like minced meat but it's tofu anyways in a hot well-oiled pan we're gonna start frying the tofu we wanna get it crispy and to it we're adding some green onion a red chili sliced and just a bunch of garlic and ginger that i kind of minced together all these flavors should get nice and toasty and they should start smelling like like heaven really when the tofu is nice and crispy we can start working on our sauce by first adding a drop of dark soy sauce continue to cook that until the tofu turns dark and now we're gonna hit this with a few liberal squirts of oyster sauce along with some water to get things a bit more saucy when things are looking moist and thick that means the pan is ready to receive your nudes so just make sure those are cooked and ready add them in mix them up and make sure to add a ton of green onion and maybe some leftover chili slices if you have them available you're pretty much done and you can eat this straight out of the pan or if you're a bit classier put in a bowl and enjoy the street for only one dollar and eighty cents and that pretty much concludes it sometimes maybe i'll have another snack here and there if i watch a movie or something but yeah let me know if you want me to make more of these blogs i really enjoy blogging my life like this :) i'll see you next time really soon 😊
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